The Top Best Engines for Tearlaments

Without a doubt, the Tearlaments is the best deck , and judging by the latest banlist and the cards coming out within the Darkwing Blast set, it will be for a long time to come. This deck is incredibly strong and can be combined with different strategies and combinations of cards, which are called " engines " in Yugioh terms. These "engines" are made up of cards and combinations that belong to other decks and other archetypes that have nothing to do with Tearlaments but whose effects are an excellent synergy to support the basic strategy and the conditions for activating the Tearlaments’ cards. Today we are going to analyze the 10 best engines with which to create a Tearlaments deck. 10th place: BRANDED In a previous post I looked at a branded decklist explaining how it works and the combos. Compared to the other engines it is perhaps the least expensive considering that to get the main cards you just need to buy 3 structure decks, and Aluber is a card that is c...